How God Thinks About You

Rush Theology

< 1 minute I want to understand God’s happy disposition toward His people. I know He’s happy with His people because of Christ. But I want to know …

To Read or To Have Read

Rush Books, Journal

2 min to read Rush: Thanks for checking out The Pleasures of Reading in An Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs! I finished it, and found it really interesting …

Jealous of Moses

Rush Journal

2 min to read It occurred to me today I’ve never felt jealous of Moses. We read in the Torah various kinds of events in his life during the …

Running with Restraint

Rush Journal

2 min to read I ran a second half marathon a few weeks ago. I certainly don’t race because I’m too slow to ever win, or even keep up …

Give Yourself Over

Rush Journal

2 min to read The weather stormed hard and loud last night. Thunder boomed and lightning lit up the sky. Of course, I didn’t hear or see it because …