< 1 minuteA simple paragraph from an article titled “The Lusitania Anniversary,” intrigued me by its timeless insight. (link in bio)
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< 1 minuteA simple paragraph from an article titled “The Lusitania Anniversary,” intrigued me by its timeless insight. (link in bio)
5 min to readI peruse my newsfeed every morning. I find news about the election, details about COVID advances, wildfires in the west. But recently, a series of …
< 1 minutePastors feel a good pressure to press the Church to read the Bible wisely. We don’t allow scientists or doctors to play fast and lose with medicine and facts. And we certainly don’t allow people to play fast and loose with Scripture. Here’s an article I found helpful. #bible #biblestudy
< 1 minuteTim Challies always brings careful Christian thought to difficult topics. While waiting for a copy of White Fragility to come available at the library, Challies’ article gave me a thought provoking primmer. #race #whitefragility
– link in bio –
< 1 minuteIt seems there’s no end to the pastoral wisdom of Steve Viars. Here’s an article explaining how and why his church has chosen their path in the pandemic. Much to emulate.
Why Faith Church Listens to the Health Department – link in bio
#church #covid #lovingyourcommunity